We publish news for every season: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. Our goal is to raise awareness about sustainability, share how small changes can make a big impact, and keep you updated on global environmental news through The Eco News. Discover our journey so far…

Our story begins with a girl who grew up in the countryside, exploring the world with her tiny feet. Today, she confidently walks the globe, developing ideas to protect our beautiful planet. Kirsten Marshall, the author, creator, and publisher of this newspaper, brings years of history, research, and talent behind the camera lens, capturing and sharing insights about our planet’s nature. This newspaper and online platform aims to deliver important news, share valuable eco tips, and provide significant support to small businesses making a difference.
Newspapers are among the most eco-friendly forms of printed marketing. They are thin and light, and most newspaper print companies now use eco-approved and certified papers. However, did you know that one of the largest paid-for print newspapers distributes over 800,000 copies annually? This amounts to significant paper usage, and we don’t want to contribute further to this issue.
Digital media is cost-effective and immediate, providing you with instant news updates! We promote digital over printed copies primarily to reduce our carbon footprint. The materials needed to print, pack, and ship newspapers, despite using FSC-certified papers and eco-friendly inks, still have an environmental impact. By avoiding paper usage entirely, we significantly reduce our carbon footprint. Publishing online with a simple click eliminates the need for deforestation and reforestation, reduces the use of eco-friendly inks, and cuts down on the materials required for packaging and shipping.
Although people now understand that newspapers are not responsible for rainforest depletion, the production process still consumes water. How much water is used to produce a piece of paper? Even the crispest piece of A4 pulp paper requires up to 20 litres of water during production. While printing newspapers uses significantly less water, it is still a necessary part of the process.
How do we save energy? Printing, packing, and posting newspapers consume a significant amount of energy across the entire supply chain. By operating as a digital platform, we substantially reduce energy usage. This eliminates the need for printers, delivery vans, and the excessive mailing of parcels and letters.

The brand manufactures its products in the United Kingdom.

The brand exclusively offers 100% vegan products or experiences and does not use any ingredient or component derived from animals in any of its products, packaging and production processes.

The brand has an active female founder, co-founder or CEO.